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Three Faces Of Et In My Dream

Three Faces Of Et In My Dream

1 010,00 €Price

Acrylic On Canvas 60X80cm - 2022


I previously saw you in a dream in which reunited couples reaffirm their commitment to one another. You were dressed in red, which serves as a token of adoration and a gracious symbol of love. And the secret of the pinnacle pierced their zeal.


I pivot and you become a beautiful, dazzling white and silver structure that whispers a butterfly.Utilizing a mind boggling grid of choice metal trim, a rich creation that takes off so high tenderly twisting vertically while kissing the clouds in the sky as it stirs things up around town.

I see an Iron Lady when I look at you from the right side. At your peak of magnificence, you are so opulent and fashionable that you command respect. You exemplify elegance, panache, and style. A lavish celebrity who is exceptional and one-of-a-kind. Your most beautiful golden features are surrounded by diamonds that shine through the darkness of the night.


About the portrayal, 3 unique features of the Eiffel Tower may be observed right here to show off the bearing splendor of Iron Lady. The front view picture would really like to depict the shadeation (Venice Red), that is stated to be the authentic red adorable hue utilized by Gustave Eiffel, the French civil engineer and architect, when it became inaugurated in 1889. White and silver shadeation observed at the left facet that is to symbolize day time, it gives a wonderful view to the world. However, I use yellow-orange shadeation at the right facet of my portrait to symbolize the night time. "The Eiffel Tower is constantly the queen of the town however at night time it is magic."

SKU: #0004
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